The Perfect Recipe
July 26, 2020

As a child, I would spend countless hours in the kitchen with my Grandmother as she would create some of the most amazing dishes from scratch. Literally, from SCRATCH!
Whether it was a family favorite of some of her smothered chicken, rice and gravy with green beans;
or if it was one of her famous desserts that would have neighbors lined around the block to taste like her sweet potato pies or three-layered jelly cakes.
I always noticed that she never used a recipe for measurements. She always relied on her senses for timing and quality of quantity. No matter the size of the dish, the taste was consistent through and through. I was always amazed at how much of a chemist she really was.
As I gather my thoughts on the life lesson of those moments to memories, reflection gives me the mindset that no matter the dish, no matter the amount, it was always prepared in the spirit of love and excellence and served its purpose of spreading goodness one serving at a time.
I'll forever cherish the passive learning of family favorite recipes to hopefully someday pass along as well, but those moments to memories taught me so much more than a dab of salt or 450 degree heat.
It taught me the spice of life is spreading love, one serving at a time!